Higher Education Students' Loans Board

  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. P.O.Box 76068

  • General call +255 22 286 4643

  • Monday - Friday8:00am - 5:00pm

Employers’ obligations

  • The employer should notify HESLB about new employers of diploma or degree holder.
  • Deduct 15% of the loan beneficiaries and submitting to HESLB within 15 days of the coming month after HESLB analysing and submitting the credentials of the beneficiary to the employer.
  • Employer who fails to deduct salary to loan beneficiary and not submitting to HESLB within the scheduled period will be charged 10% of the amount of monthly deduction.

Beneficiaries’ Obligations

  • Loan beneficiary have to be availed with a loan statement after completion of his studies.
  • To start repaying within or after 24 months.
  • To repay 15% for those who employed or TZS 100000 for graduates who are self-employed.